
10X Intermediate 3 Review - Health

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  • What do doctors use to inject their patients?
  • What do doctors use to take our temperature?
  • "She is better now. She has _______ from her illness". Fill in the blank
  • Pretend that you're sick. Go out to ask for tissue!
  • "It's been a year. I need to go to the hospital for my annual ______"
  • What is this?
  • Which system helps you digest food?
    Digestive system
  • Which system helps you prevent sicknesses?
    Immune system
  • "Do you think we should take medicine every time we're sick?"
  • "I have been sneezing a lot since I _______." - Fill in the gap
    caught a cold
  • "Is it necessary to visit the doctor when we get sick?"
  • Send a mesage to someone saying that you're sick and need a ride home
  • "How prone are you to sickness?"
  • "What do you usually do when you're sick?"
  • Which system helps you absorb oxygen?
    Respiratory system
  • "How can we boost our immune system?"
  • "My body temperature is so high. I think I have ______." - Fill in the blank
    a fever