
story of the world vol 3 ch. 21

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  • What city is in the spot where the Ohio River Fort was built?
  • What title did Louis XIV give to his grandson?
    King of Spain
  • during this war the English burned the Spanish fort of Pensacola
    Queen Anne's War
  • Did the French and English colonists get along with each other until the French move into the Ohio River Valley?
  • another name when the English and French both wanted to control the Ohio Valley in North America.
    French & Indian War
  • also called the War of Spanish Succession
    Queen Anne's War
  • Also called the War of Jenkin's Ear
    King George's war
  • During the French & Indian War, do the English conquer Montreal, Quebec and New Orleans?
  • another name for Seven Year's War
    French & Indian War
  • What was unusual about King George I of England?
    He was German and didn't speak English
  • The English government paid who to attack the Canadian settlements?
  • began when a Spanish sea captain supposedly insulted an English sea captain
    King George's War
  • What three countries had colonies in N. America?
    French, English, & Spain
  • Did France, England and Spain settle anything after the first three wars during this time period?
  • What began when Louis XIV tried to expand his territory
    King William's War
  • What was the English Prime Minister's name who was determined that England would win the French and Indian War?
    William Pritt
  • Also called the War of the Grand Alliance
    King William's War
  • Who carried a message to the French telling them to leave the Ohio Valley?
    George Washington
  • Did the treaty of Paris end the French and Indian War?