
could, was able to, managed to, and succeeded in ...

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  • I’m having laser treatment on my eyes, so I’ll (can / could / be able) to read without glasses.
    be able
  • She did as well as she could, but on this particular occasion she just _____________ the exam on time. (able/finish)
    She did as well as she could, but on this particular occasion she just WASN'T ABLE TO FINISH the exam on time. (able/finish)
  • I’m really sorry we __________ to the party last night. (able/come)
    I’m really sorry we WEREN'T ABLE TO COME to the party last night.
  • She finally _____________ a job as a waitress. (manage/find)
    She finally MANAGED TO FIND a job as a waitress.
  • Unfortunately we ____________ all the people we’d wanted to see. (not succeed/visit)
    Unfortunately we DIDN'T SUCCEED IN VISITING all the people we’d wanted to see.
  • You used to (could / be able to / was able) to see the sea from here, before they built that apartment building.
    be able to
  • The cup fell off the table, but luckily he __________ it before it hit the floor. (manage/catch)
    The cup fell off the table, but luckily he MANAGED TO CATCH it before it hit the floor.
  • I (managed to /succeeded in / could) eat chocolate whenever I wanted when I was little.
  • He was heartbroken, but he (can / could / couldn’t) understand why she’d left him.
  • My father’s going to give me some money so I _____________ my first car. (able/buy)
    My father’s going to give me some money so I WILL BE ABLE TO BUY my first car.