
Ecology Unit 6 Review

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  • Food chain...grasses-insects-bird-snake-large bird. What would happen if all the insects died out?
    The number of birds (what eats the insects) would decrease
  • Which type of consumer eats both plants and animals?
  • Subsystem identifying air.
  • Which factors can determine the climate of a given location?
    abiotic factors
  • In a balanced ecosystem, which trophic level has the highest population? The least?
    Highest- Producers- Level 1, Least- Tertiary Consumer- Level 4
  • What is the difference between a habitat and niche?
    Habitat is where the organism lives (gets water, food, shelter, space). Niche is the role the organism plays within their environment (producer, consumer).
  • What is the role of a producer in an ecosystem?
    to use energy from the sun to make food
  • ________________________ is an interaction between abiotic and biotic factors in an area.
  • The energy from the sun is transferred to heterotrophs by what means?
    indirectly- by eating a producer
  • Name 3 biotic factors in the rainforest.
    trees, parrot, snake,
  • List the correct order of the organization of the environment from smallest to largest.
    organism- population- community- ecosystem- biome- biosphere
  • List the types of consumers (heterotrophs).
    herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, decomposer, scavenger
  • Which type of consumer is primarily located in trophic levels 3 & 4?
  • In a food web, the arrow depicts what information?
    direction of energy flow or energy transfer from one organism to the other
  • How can you explain the energy transfer within an ecosystem?
    inefficient- a great loss from one trophic level to another
  • Name a top predator that would be at the top of an energy pyramid.
    Any large carnivore...hawk, coyote, wolf (Apex predator)
  • Why do large, top predators (tertiary consumers) need to eat more than a primary consumer?
    The amount of energy they receive from what they eat is much less than that of a primary consumer.
  • Energy is tranferred from a produer to a consumer how?
    When the consumer eats the producer or the primary consumer or secondary consumer. Through what it eats.
  • Which type of relationship exists if a wolf eats a squirrel?
  • In what trophic level on the energy pyramid do you find a primary consumer?
    the second
  • Subsystem identifying water.
  • Subsystem identifying land.
  • Which organism is the base of the food chain and supports the whole ecosystem?
    Producers (plants, autotrophs)
  • The ultimate source of energy for all organisms is the?