
Scored - Chapter 15

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  • What does this mean, "If used properly, the score can be a pattern interrupt that breaks groups down"
    the score empowers the individual
  • Where did Diego live?
    Corona Point
  • What is Diego's main argument for his essay?
    Human beings have a natural tendency to rank themselves - jocks/geeks, popular kids/misfits, rich/poor - the score, if used properly, empowers the individual ov
  • How does Imani use the example of Saudi Arabia to illustrate her point?
    women cannot achieve freedom individually, they have to work together - can't work way up to become a man
  • What does dissent mean?
  • What is Imani's main argument?
    The score prevents long term bonding between individuals by empowering them as individuals.
  • What does Imani learn about score gangs
    They were a bug, not a feature. It wasn't in ScoreCorp's original plan to include score gangs
  • What does Diego suggest they should do about the essay?
    Write it together - scored and unscored
  • Imani argues that "the score, unlike other caste systems, will probably last forever". What does she mean?
    because it empowers the individual so no group will rise up to break apart the system
  • Does Imani agree to write the essay with him at the end of chapter 15?
  • Was the Score designed to empower the group or the individual? Explain.
    The individual. But because of score gangs, the individual became limited