
The brainstormer Chapter 2&3

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  • "I don't know," ______ Jimmy.
  • How did all the students feel when Jimmy's head hit the ceiling?
  • He passed by ______ birds as he flew up. 
    Like a hot air balloon.
  • What happened when he tried to move down?
    He flew out the open window!
  • What did he lose sight of?
    He lost sight of his school, streets, trees, and the neighborhood.
  • What did Eric learn from William?
    He learned to pick his nose.
  • You have _____been brainstorming. 
  • When he was flying higher, what did he think?
    He thought he might fly into outer space and be zapped into a black hole or bump into a satellite.
  • Who did he see?
    He saw 2 old men playing chess.
  • What was Jimmy doing when his head hit something with a loud thud?
    He was concentrating.
  • What did William learn from Eric?
    William learned to cheat on a test from Eric.
  • What did Max learn from Luke?
    Max learned to touch his ear with his tongue.
  • How did the bearded man start to feel after he told Jimmy to "listen carefully to the sound in your head?"
    He started to get a little irritated.
  • What was the rumbling noise?
    The sound of thunder, tree branches, rockets, fireworks engines of planes and helicopters, trumpets and drums.
  • How does the other man know that Jimmy was brainstorming?
    He can hear the storm in his head.
  • How did Jimmy's head blow up?
    It blew up like a balloon.
  • What are you doing here? ask the man with a _____.
  • He _______, "Boy, isn't that noisy?" 
  • What are some ideas that were brainstormed for "Learning from friends?"
    Pick my nose, cheat on the test, learn to cry, touch my ear with my tongue.
  • What did Jimmy do to move down?
    Jerked his head, wave his arms like he was swimming, pushed on the ceiling.
  • When did Jimmy's problem start?
    In English class
  • What was the topic on the board?
    "Learning from friends"
  • He was afraid he would drop down to the ground like?
    a shooting star
  • What did Jimmy bang his head on?
    He banged his head on the ceiling.
  • Where did Jimmy finally stop?
    He stopped in the clouds and floated in mid air,  surrounded by clouds. 
  • How did Jimmy feel after Miss Gwen asked "What's going on Jimmy?"
    He felt confused.
  • What did Cindy learn from Kristy?
    Cindy learned to cry from Kristy.
  • How big were the 2 old men's head?
    As big as Jimmy's head.