
Roadmap C1-C2 U5B

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  • It's supposed to snow later. It's possible I'll make a snowman.
    If it snows later, I might make a snowman.
  • What is a noteworthy/indispensable achievement of someone you know, or know of?
  • What is a popular fi lm or book you consider to be a bit peripheral/overrated?
  • A:So, did you win the competition? B:Yes, I really fell for it, and did better than anyone expected.
    Yes, I really went for it, and did better than anyone expected.
  • What do you consider to be the most groundbreaking/pivotal decisions in someone’s life?
  • Can you think of something which is of worthless/negligible cost, but great importance?
  • Do your homework. Your mum grounds you when you don't.
    If you don't do your homework, your mum will ground you.
  • I didn't see the sign. Now I'm paying the fine.
    I wouldn't be paying a fine now, if I had seen the sign.
  • I wanted to help you with your decorating, but I don't have any free time.
    If I had free time, I would have helped with your decorating.
  • I don't always use my mirrors. I reversed into a car.
    If I used my mirrors more, I wouldn't have reversed into a car.
  • Do you think your first language plays a part in learning other languages, or is it negligible/immaterial ?
  • A:How was the match? B:Fine. We were doing badly at the beginning, but we put ourselves up and started again at half time.
    Fine. We were doing badly at the beginning, but we picked ourselves up and started again at half time.
  • What is something that might have been valuable in the past, but is now considered worthless/futile?
  • A:Why don't you try taking more risks? B:You're right. I really need to get out of my comfort area.
    You're right. I really need to get out of my comfort zone.
  • Our team suffered a defeat, which felt like destroying us/pretty soul destroying.
    pretty soul destroying
  • A:Well, after today's disaster, it's clearly back to the writing board for us. B:Yes, but let's not be too disheartened. We've learnt a lot through all this. There's no need to cut our losses yet.
    Well, after today's disaster, it's clearly back to the drawing board for us.
  • What is the most indispensable/pivotal appliance you own?
  • What might be a small action with far-reaching/indispensable consequences?
  • What is a profession you believe is undervalued/immaterial ?
  • Our attempt failed, so we had to go back to the first place/to the drawing board.
    to the drawing board
  • A:Do we need to book a hotel? B:No, let's throw caution to the rain and find something when we get there.
    No, let's throw caution to the wind and find something when we get there.
  • A: How was the interview? B: Good, except for this stupid joke I told at the end. It fell really narrow.
    Good, except for this stupid joke I told at the end. It fell really flat.
  • What is the most groundbreaking/peripheral discovery of the last 100 years?
  • I'm not one for taking risks. I prefer to play it safe/the game safe.
    it safe
  • We were in New York at the same time, but I didn't know. It was possible for us to meet.
    We could have met if I had known we were in New York at the same time.
  • Let's give up. There's no point fighting a losing battle/an unwanted victory.
    a losing battle
  • Things are getting worse. We should cut our losses now/our profits now.
    our losses
  • His plans to start a business fell over without a sound/sank without trace.
    sank without a trace