
Integers on a Number Line2.3 (4 reviews)

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  • credit
    to add money to an account
  • Positive Numbers
    Numbers that are greater than zero.
  • Deposit
    to put money into an account (like a bank account)
  • negative numbers
    numbers less than zero
  • withdrawal
    to take money out of an account (like a bank account)
  • Absolute Value
    a number's distance from zero on a number line
  • Opposites
    two numbers that are the same distance from 0, but are on opposites sides of 0 on the the number line. (examples: -4 and 4, 25 and -25)
  • Debit
    to take money out of an account
  • Whole Numbers
    Natural numbers (counting numbers) and zero; 0, 1, 2, 3...
  • Integers
    All whole numbers (including 0) and their opposites