
Future in the past (forma continua)

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  • Não lhe liguei para te contar as novidades porque ia ao escritório dele no dia seguinte.
    I didn't call him up to tell him the news because I was going to his office the next day.
  • Eu o vi na semana passada. Ele disse que estava indo para a Espanha para começar uma nova vida.
    I saw him last week. He said he was leaving for Spain to start a new life.
  • Não havia nenhum ponto em convidar os Robinsons, como eles estavam saindo um dia antes da festa.
    There was no point in inviting the Robinsons, as they were leaving the day before the party.
  • Eles estavam fazendo as malas quando estavam saindo para um feriado.
    They were packing their suitcases as they were leaving for a holiday.
  • O homem estava muito nervoso. Ele estava se casando naquela manhã.
    The man was very nervous. He was getting married that morning.
  • Peter estaria ligando para ela durante o jogo de baseball?
    Was Peter going to be calling her during the baseball game
  • Estavam cozinhando enquanto faziam um jantar.
    They were cooking as they were having a dinner party.
  • Eles não estariam pintando o apartamento num dia úmido.
    They were not going to be painting their apartment on a wet day.
  • Estaríamos nos encontrando às 7:00, mas Suzy ligou e mudou para 8:00.
    We were going to be meeting at 7:00 but Suzy called and changed it to 8:00.
  • Ela estava nervosa quando estava fazendo um exame naquela tarde.
    She was nervous as she was sitting an exam that afternoon.