
Have something done

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  • I never cut my hair myself.
    I always have my hair cut.
  • We didn't paint the house two weeks ago.
    We had the house painted two weeks ago.
  • Lisa did't repair the roof herself.
    She had the roof repaired.She
  • She's not going to make a cake for her birthday herself.
    She's going to have her birthday cake made.
  • He didn't break his nose yesterday. He was in a fight last night.
    He had his nose broken yesterday.
  • Sue didn't pierce her ears a month ago.
    She had her ears pierced a month ago.
  • I never clean my flat myself.
    I always have my flat cleaned.
  • She isn't going to paint her nails tomorrow.
    She's having her nails painted tomorrow.
  • We didn't clean the carpets ourselves.
    We have the carpets cleaned.
  • Sarah never serves her car herself.
    She always has her car served.
  • Jack neve cleans his shoes.
    He always has his shoes cleaned.
  • John didn't build this wall himself.
    He had the wall built.
  • I don't test my eyes myself every year.
    I have my eyes tested every year.
  • I didn't deliver the flowers myself.
    I had the flowers delivered.