
wHO was Se Jobs 6-8

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  • What did Steve discover he had in 2003?
  • If you were Steve, would you have returned to Apple? Why or why not?
  • When did Steve pass away?
  • When did Bill Gates step down from Microsoft?Why?
  • You are going to make a documentary about Steve Jobs’ life. Which three people would you interview for the documentary and why?
  • List two reasons people would visit the Genius Bar an Apple store.
  • What tribute did Steve get from Bill Gates
  • Do you think Steve should be remembered most for the computer, the smart phone, the tablet or his work with Pixar? Why?
  • Why did Steve have mixed feelings about returning to Apple?
  • What was the first movie Pixar produced?
  • “Customers loved the iPod.People in the music industry did not.” What issue did the music industry have with the iPod?
  • Who was the founder of Microsoft?
  • What were his last words according to his sister Mona?
  • What was Apple’s new marketing slogan?
  • What did Steve release in 2007? Why
  • Did Steve achieve his dream
  • Reflect: “Toy Story showed that animators could create everything on a computer.” List four steps used to create Toy Story.
  • Why was Toy Story special?
  • ynonym and Antonym: Write s synonym and an antonym of the underlined word. “It was a happy time in Steve’s life.” Synonym of happy:_______ Antonym of happy:_______
  • What did Steve decide Apple would do in 2001?
  • What was launched in 2003 to make the music industry happy?
  • Where did Steve get the idea for five bright colored plastic cases for the iMac?