
English vocabulary

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  • renowned
    famous and admired for achievements and skill
  • arbitrary
    not based on any particular plan, or not done for any particular reason, used about actions that are considered to be unfair
  • perspire
    to sweat
  • benchmark
    a standard to judge how good or bad sth is
  • habeas corpus
    a judge’s order to bring a prisoner into court so that the court can decide whether the prisoner should stay in prison or not
  • insolence
    rude, impolite
  • slighted
    insulted, abused
  • sanction
    punishment by law for breaking a rule
  • rodent
    small animals, like mice, rats etc (the big family)
  • decry
    to say publicly that you do not approve of someone or something
  • militaristic
    (of country/people) needs strong armed forces, believes it is necessary to have a strong army, defense, offence and weapons,
  • tarnish
    to make or (especially of metal) become less bright or a different colour
  • idyllic
    extremely beautiful and peaceful, not having problems
  • replenish
    to make full
  • confederate
    someone who works with you to achieve something, often something secret or illegal
  • manoeuvre
    an action or movement that you need care or skill to do
  • knock out
    to make someone unconscious
  • impaired
    if your body’s ability to do something is impaired, you are not fully able to do it
  • extort
    illegaly get money or info using force or threats, blackmailing
  • confluence
    a situation in which two things join or come together
  • crack down
    to start dealing with someone or something much more strictly
  • soporific
    for things that are very boring
  • resilient
    able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened
  • splendour
    the beautiful and impressive features of something
  • bow out
    to give up a job or position, especially when you have had it for a long time
  • remedial
    intended to improve or correct sth
  • voraciously
    eating a large amount of food
  • rub off
    if a quality that someone has rubs off, it starts to affect another person so that they start to have that quality too
  • referral
    the act of sending somebody who needs professional help to a person or place that can provide it
  • blot out
    to forget something unpleasant, or to make someone forget an unpleasant memory or feeling
  • anomaly
    unusual, unexpected
  • profuse
    produced or given in large amounts
  • readily
    easily, quickly
  • rift between
    a disagreement between two people or groups
  • sojourn
    to stay for a short time in a place away from your home
  • immaculate
    pure white, spotless, completely clean
  • transcend
    To pass or extend beyond or above
  • to be afflicted with
    to suffer from (usu. an illness)
  • recoup
    to get back money that you have invested or lost
  • brushstroke
    a mark left on a surface by the movement of a brush
  • turnabout
    an important change in something
  • divulge
    to give information about something, especially something that should be kept secret
  • conjecture
    theory based on information that is not complete
  • ornate
    decorated in a complicated way
  • fritter away
    to waste time or money on things that are not necessary or important
  • remuneration
    payment or other rewards for your work
  • extrapolate
    to say what is likely to happen or be true by using information that you already have
  • sound out
    to try to find out someone’s opinions, ideas, feelings etc by talking to them
  • violation
    an action that is an opposition to law
  • spasmodic
    happening suddenly for short periods of time; not regular or continuous
  • dilapidated
    in very bad condition
  • hegemony
    to be the strongest
  • levity
    humour or lack of seriousness, especially during a serious occasion
  • mayhem
    chaos, great lack of order, usually in a terrible event
  • hammer out
    to reach a decision or agreement after discussing it or arguing about it for a long time
  • invigorate
    to give sth/sb energy
  • flout
    deliberately refuse to obey a rule or custom
  • appease
    do sth so sb feels less angry
  • boil down to
    to be the main reason for something or the most basic part of something
  • hypoxia
    a condition in which not enough oxygen reaches the body’s tissues
  • lustrous
    shiny and soft
  • scrape by
    to have enough money to pay for the things that you really need in order to live, but no more
  • propitious
    likely to produce a successful result
  • glia
    cells that connect the nervous system
  • squint
    to partly close your eyes in order to see more clearly
  • solitary
    solo, individual, alone
  • semblance
    a situation in which something only appears in a small amount
  • truncate
    To shorten or diminish by cutting off a part
  • interdependence
    about things that rely on each other in order to function/exist
  • spore
    from mushrooms, like pollen, one cell
  • hunter-gatherer
    about ancient people who lived by hunting or gathering food from nature
  • drum up
    to try to make people support you or buy something from you
  • assessment
    evaluation, judgement
  • temporal
    relating to time
  • spurious
    not real or sincere
  • effigy
    monument, sculpture
  • oblivious
    not noticing something, or not knowing about it
  • pledge
    promise sth seriously and officially
  • spin out
    to make something last for a long time, usually longer than is good or necessary
  • mandatory
    ordered by law or rule, obligation
  • congregate
    interact as a group
  • indulge
    to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you
  • stint
    a period of time spent doing something
  • breech
    (of births) the baby comes out with feeth first
  • plight
    sad, serious or difficult situation
  • exploitative
    treating people unfairly in order to get some benefit for yourself
  • infringe
    to break a law, rule, or agreement
  • acquittal
    an official decision in court that a person is not guilty of a crime
  • dole out
    to give something, such as food or money, to a particular group of people or to every person in a group
  • delectable
  • recount
    say what happened
  • archaeology
    the study of ancient society by looking at their objects etc
  • erroneous
    wrong or false
  • counterfeit
    (about objects) illegal copies made to trick people
  • ease up
    to become less severe towards someone
  • ride out
    to get to the end of a difficult or dangerous period or situation without any serious problems
  • saw off
    to remove something by cutting through it with a saw or a knife
  • besiege
    surround something in order to control it and dominate it, military strategy
  • distend
    to swell or make sth swell
  • draw out
    to make something continue longer than usual
  • demolition
    destroy sth a building
  • lash out
    to criticize someone or something angrily
  • venerate
    to respect or worship someone or something
  • clemency
    decision not to punish sb, mercy (made by sb with authority)
  • pander
    say something just to please, but without believing it
  • irate
    very angry
  • debacle
    an event or a situation that is a complete failure and causes people to feel ashamed or embarrassed
  • stringent
    (about rules) are strict and make you achieve high standards
  • inscribe
    record an achievement by writing it (ex stone)
  • antagonistic
    showing or feeling opposition
  • impediment
    obstacle, makes it difficult to do sth
  • lucrative
    bringing a lot of money
  • prowess
    great skill or ability
  • muster
    to enhance a feeling, like determination
  • rake in
    earn a lot of money
  • refute
    prove that a statement is untrue
  • flagrant
    doing sth in an obvious way that shows you do not care you break the rules
  • stutter
    speech problem, repeat sounds in uncontrolled way
  • diverge
    develop in a different way after it was the same, start to go in different directions
  • to become dwarfed
    to become smaller
  • kickback
    money paid illegally to someone in exchange for something that they have done for you
  • brush over
  • affinity
    natural understanding of sth
  • threshold
    a limit at which an arrangement or situation changes (ex. safety lines)
  • nail up
    to use nails to fasten a door or window firmly shut
  • mark up
    to increase the price of something, especially something that you bought for a lower price/ to correct or write notes or instructions on a piece of writing, esp
  • respire
  • swindle
    to cheat someone in order to get their money
  • biosphere
    the parts of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere where plant and animal life can exist
  • clamber
    climb sth with difficulty, with your hands and feet
  • frail
    weak, helpless physically
  • succumb
    to lose your ability to fight against someone or something, and to allow them to control or persuade you
  • fastidious
    giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect
  • debar
    to stop someone doing something
  • exposition
    detailed clear description of an idea, or the action of explaining sth
  • simper
    smile in a way that is not sincere
  • pertinent
    relevant, to the point
  • be in a quandary
    uncertain, indecision, to not know what to do next
  • warfare
    the activity of fighting a war, everything related to it
  • pull through
    to succeed in a very difficult situation, or to help someone to do this
  • troposphere
    the lowest part of the Earth’s atmosphere, between the surface and a height of 10 km
  • contentious
    causing disagreement between people or groups
  • bottle up
    to stop yourself from showing negative emotions like anger and disappointment, especially over a long period, so that these feelings develop in a harmful way
  • prolific
    (person) a big quantity of their profession
  • polarize
    to separate and divide
  • intrepid
    not afraid to do dangerous things
  • grapple with
    to try hard to understand a difficult idea or to solve a difficult problem
  • erratic
    not following any plan or regular pattern
  • asperity
    sounding annoyed and impatient when saying sth
  • plethora
    a greater amount than what you need or want
  • condone
    approve of behavior that most people think is wrong
  • courtroom
    a room where legal cases are judged
  • repatriate
    to send money that you earn in a foreign country back to your own country
  • calamity
    natural disaster
  • prone to
    likely to do something (ex. catch a flu)
  • acrid
    (smell/taste) very strong, bitter and unpleasant
  • tarnish
    an opinion/reputation, becomes worse, gets "dirty"
  • pass up
    to not take advantage of an opportunity
  • decry
    to criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary
  • shoddy
    very low quality
  • confiscate
    take something away because it does not fit with the rules
  • volition
    intention, will, ability to decide to do sth
  • impetus
    something that encourages a particular activity or makes that activity more energetic or effective
  • top off
    to finish something with a final activity or detail
  • coerce
    make sb do sth by force using threats
  • perish
    to die, usually because of an illness or something that happens suddenly
  • choke off
    choke. prevent from developing
  • protruding
    sticking out
  • equation
    5x-3=27 mathematical statement
  • salient
    most important or easy to notice
  • smear
    to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface
  • dormant
    something that is not active, but that may become active
  • ravenous
    starving, extremely hungry
  • juncture
    a stage of a process or activity
  • shrouded
    covered, hidden
  • skim off
    if someone skims money, they take small amounts from somewhere so that people do not notice it is gone
  • contracture
  • poignant
    causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness
  • duplicity
    dishonest behaviour that is intended to trick sb
  • contingency
    sth that might happen in the future, that is bad
  • petition
    a document signed by many people that asks someone in authority to do something
  • gnaw at
    if something gnaws at you, you keep worrying about it or feeling upset about it
  • relent
    accepting and agreeing reluctantly
  • crack down
    start dealing with someone or something much more strictly
  • amass
    to collect a lot of something such as money or information over a period of time
  • illiteracy
    inability to read
  • patronize
    condescending, To assume an air of superiority
  • play down
    to try to make a problem or difficult situation seem less important than it is
  • defamation
    the act of damaging somebody’s reputation by saying or writing bad or false things about them
  • reprimand
    to tell someone officially and in a serious way that something they have done is wrong
  • thrash out
    to discuss something until you find a solution or reach an agreement
  • abate
    gradually become less serious or extreme
  • demarcate
    decide the limits of sth, about space
  • attest
    to give proof or be evidence that something is true
  • ceaselessly
    continuing without stopping
  • parry
    to defend yourself against someone who is attacking you
  • blunder
    careless and embarrassing mistake
  • dispel
    get rid of any unpleasant feeling or false beliefs
  • scrupulous
    careful about paying attention to every detail
  • excavation
    to dig a large hole in the ground (to find ancient objects)
  • per capita
    per person, each person
  • siphon off
    to move money from one bank account to another, especially illegally or dishonestly
  • fret
    to be worried, not be able to relax
  • belie
    to make sb or sth different from how they are
  • disillusioned
    disappointed because you have discovered that someone or something is not as good as you had believed
  • imposition
    to introduce sth new, like a new law or system
  • slur
    speech problem, sounds are not made clearly (ex drunk, tired)
  • iniquity
    situation that is immoral or unfair
  • scratch out
    to remove a word from a sentence or something from a list by drawing a line through it
  • dingy
    dark in an unpleasant way, looks dirty
  • chew over
    to think about something carefully or discuss it carefully with other people before making a decision about it
  • camaraderie
  • salubrious
    (place) pleasant and comfortable to live in
  • trajectory
    course of movement
  • quench
    quench your thirst to drink so that you no longer feel thirsty
  • hinder
    stop from making progress
  • irascible
    easily becoming angry
  • innate
    an innate quality or ability is one that you have always had
  • vent
    express feelings of anger very strongly
  • chalk up
    to score points, or to achieve success in a game
  • perennial
    always existing, or never seeming to change
  • lap up
    to enjoy something and be keen to get more of it
  • wholly
  • vindication
    to prove that someone who was accused of a crime or dishonest act is not guilty
  • cryptic
    mysterious, difficult to understand
  • inherent
    basic, essential
  • intimation
    the action of making clear what you think or want without saying it directly, or something that makes something clear in this way
  • burn up
    destroy, exhaust, use fuel for sth to work
  • prerequisite
    sth that must exist or happen before sth else is possible
  • insinuate
    to say sth bad in an indirect way
  • bolster
    to support or improve something or make it stronger
  • refutation
    say that a statement is false but without evidence
  • explicit
    very clear, leaving no doubt; reletaed to violence or intimacy
  • avian
    related to birds, family of birds
  • alleviate
    make something less severe, serious
  • complicity
    the act of taking part with another person in a crime
  • clientele
  • pin down
    to understand or describe something exactly
  • deviation
    a difference from the usual or expected way of doing sth
  • bogus
    fake, not real, although pretending to be real
  • mark down
    to intend or plan that a particular thing should happen to someone or something
  • denote
    to show
  • relent
    change your mind to allow sth or sb to do sth
  • astrocyte
    type glial cell in the brain
  • bank on
    to depend on something happening or on someone doing something
  • copious
    in large amounts
  • vortex
    (nature)air or water that spins in a powerful way, (feelings) not in control, very intense
  • shun
    to deliberately avoid a person, place, or activity