
Living Things and the Environment

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  • The forest in the mountain was being cleared out. Everytime it rains, there is more flooding in the city. Why is there more flooding if there are less trees in mountains?
    Because there are fewer trees to absorb the rain water.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Turning off the lights when leaving your house is a good way to help reduce air pollution.
  • What do you call the act of cutting down the trees and clearing out forests for human purposes?
  • Which gas can cause air pollution? [oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, water vapor, helium]
    carbon monoxide
  • Give one effect of acid rain.
    Any of these: 1. destruction of buildings and statues 2. dying of plants/trees 3. dying of insects 4. dying of frogs 5. dying of fishes 6. itchy skin
  • TRUE or FALSE: One way that we can help save the environment is by cutting down forest trees.
  • In which habitat can we find this food chain? [desert, rainforest, savannah, arctic forest?]
  • Instead of using coal power plants, we can have other power sources that are good for the environment. Give one example.
    Wind turbines, solar panels, dam/ wind energy, solar energy, hydropower or hydroelectric energy, hydrothermal energy
  • Give one reason why people cut down trees and clear out forests.
    Any of these: 1. earn money 2. build buildings 3. make furnitures 4. for farmland 5. for mining 6. to expand cities 7. to burn as fuel
  • What is the role of this organism in the environment? [producer, predator, prey, decomposer ?]
  • [crocodile, chicken, snake, mosquito, duck, human] Which one of them is a "prey" of the frog?
  • What do you call this diagram?
    Food chain
  • Which of the following animal is a consumer of this plant? [lion, snake, mouse, owl, cheetah, frog]
  • Plants need sunlight, water, and which gas to make food?
    carbon dioxide
  • The heating up of planet earth due to less number of trees caused by too much deforestation is called .................................
    Global Warming
  • Which gas can cause acid rain? [oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, helium]
    nitrogen oxide
  • In a food chain, if animals are called "consumers", what do you call the plants?
  • [cow, giraffe, snail, eagle, earthworm, deer] Which one of them is a predator?
  • What event is shown in this picture?
    Acid Rain
  • "I am a businessman who sells furnitures made of wood." Does this person support deforestation? Yes or No.
    Yes, he does.