
What's the idiom?

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  • This idiom means to delay something for your advantage.
    buy time.
  • This idiom means that something happens very rarely, almost never.
    Once in a blue moon.
  • What's the meaning of a "couch potato?"
    It means that someone is really lazy and sits around doing nothing.
  • The idiom used to express that you are feeling ill or sad.
    under the weather.
  • When it's raining very heavily we can say that....
    It's raining cats and dogs.
  • Idiom we use to describe someone that loves reading.
  • Name the idiom...
    off the top of my head
  • What's the meaning of the idiom "pain in the neck?"
    It means that something is really annoying.
  • Use this idiom to tell someone to wait.
    hold your horses.
  • What's the meaning of the idiom "all ears"
    It means that you're listening carefully.
  • Name the idiom...
    an arm and a leg
  • What's the meaning of "time flies?"
    It means that time feels like it's going really fast.
  • Name the idiom...
    whale of a time.
  • Name the idiom...
    the eleventh hour.
  • This idiom means a very intelligent person.
    a smart cookie.
  • When you pretend to be serious but you are really joking...
    pulling my leg.
  • How do you use the idiom "bugs?" Say an example...
    We use it when something really annoys us. It bugs me when my sister asks me the same question a hundred times.
  • Idiom that means something will never happen.
    when pigs fly.
  • Name the idiom...
    piece of cake.
  • When someone gets very angry we can say this idiom...
    go bananas