
Revision (Stress+Creativity)

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  • A _____________ tourist industry lifted the state’s economy.(Options: A. rapid; B. deftly; C. burgeoning ;D. transcend)
  • A person who refuses to change his/her mind
  • Complete the sentence:Every time I watch a horror film alone, I get ____________
  • What is the meaning " to have nerves of steel"? If you're going to be a neurosurgeon, you need to have nerves of steel—there's no time to panic when you're operating on someone's brain.
    be brave;be calm in a difficult or dangerous situation
  • I know that it’s __________ to be afraid of birds, but I can’t control it. (Options: A. ridiculous;B. irrational C.unpredictable)
    B irrational
  • What do we call a person who understands other people's problems?
  • Change the sentence into the passive voice: They are doing research into how the brain works
    Research is being done into how the brain works
  • I have a _________fear of spiders. I can’t stop thinking about them.Options: A. terrible;B. distressing C. persistent
    C. persistent
  • Complete the sentence: Karen went to ________when her husband got into a car accident.
  • Complete the sentence:Sorry for being impolite today. I had an important meeting, so I was_____ edge.
  • Complete the sentence: It was difficult returning to our ________ life after our weekend (Options: a. harsh;b.mundane c. exciting)
  • Change the sentence into the Passive voice: Someone has suggested the our brains haven't changed so much since prehistoric times
    It has been suggested that our brains haven't changed much since prehistoric times.
  • What does "padding out" mean? Example:In the heat of the moment, students are tempted to demonstrate their knowledge by padding out answers with irrelevant detail.
    add extra material to make smth look more substantial
  • What is the meaning " nose-to-the-grindstone? What’s most important is to get the right balance between practical things such as work experience and nose-to-the-grindstone academic work.
    concentrating hard on your work without being distracted
  • An adverb which means "in a way that is perfect or without mistakes"
  • Complete the sentence: I am always ____________ when I see a dog without a leash or its owner.
    scared stiff