
What color is .....?

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  • What color are the socks?
    They are purple
  • What color is Dory?
    it's blue
  • What color is the pig?
    It's orange
  • Are the lemons yellow?
    Yes, they are
  • Is the spoon gray?
    Yes, it is
  • Is the cow red?
    No, it isn't
  • What color is the elephant?
    It is gray
  • Is the banana green?
    No it isn't
  • is the peach orange?
    Yes, it is
  • Is the carrot blue?
    No, it isn't
  • Is the pig purple?
    Yes, it is
  • What color is the lion?
    It's orange
  • What color is the hat?
    it's yellow
  • What color is the car?
    it's yellow
  • Is the bed blue?
    Yes. it is
  • What color are the grapes?
    They are purple
  • Is the tiger gray?
    No, it isn't
  • What color is the hippo?
    it's gray
  • What color is the sky?
    The sky is blue
  • Is the Koala blue?
    No, it isn't