
Tell the others about....

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  • If you could live without feeling any pain (physical or emotional), would you do so?
    I would/ wouldn't choose a life without any pain, because....
  • Tell the others about an activity you didn't use to do 5 or 10 years ago which is very important for you now.
    Some years ago, I never used to.....
  • Tell the others about something you would do if you won the next lottery.
    If I became a millionaire, I would....
  • Tell the others about someone you admire and why.
    The person I admire the most is....
  • Tell the others about your definition of family and how your own family compares to that.
    For me, a family is....
  • Tell the others about a book or text that made a big impact on you.
    The book/text that I can't forget is.....
  • Tell the others about your favorite style of music or movies.
    My favorite style of..... is.....
  • Tell the others about whether or not you see yourself living in another country one day.
    I see/ don't see myself living in another country because...
  • Tell the others about what would be the plan for your perfect weekend.
    My perfect weekend would start....
  • Tell the others something about you that could be a secret.
    Something about me that could be a secret is....
  • Tell the others about a big plan you have for the next months.
    In the near future, I really want to....
  • Tell the others about an important photograph you have taken or someone has taken for you.
    My favorite photo is....
  • Tell the others about something challenging that you learned/ are learning at school.
    Something challenging that I have learned/ am learning at school is...
  • Tell the others about a place you used to visit when you were a child.
    When I was a child, I used to....
  • Tell the others about your favorite playlist of songs on Spotify or Deezer.
    My favorite playlist includes.....
  • Tell the others about your shopping habits and what you usually buy.
    Normally, I like to shop for...
  • Tell the others about something you would eat forever if you were stranded on a desert island and why.
    If I was stranded on a desert island, I would like to eat....
  • Tell the other about what you like to consume in terms of culture and social media.
    I like to read/ listen/ watch content about....
  • Tell the others about where you see yourself in 5 or 10 years....
    In 5 or 10 years, I want to .....
  • Tell the others about a story when something unexpected happened to you.
    I always remember when....
  • Tell the others about a great idea of business you think would be a success nowadays.
    I really think that the world needs a new....
  • Tell the others about how many hours you spend online and why.
    While I am online, I usually spend .....
  • Tell the others about an animal you would like to be and why.
    If I was an animal, I would be a ...........
  • Tell the others about why it is important for you to study English.
    For me, it is very important to learn English because....
  • Tell the others about your dream destination to visit nowadays.
    Today, I would love to go to...
  • Tell the others about your favorite homecooked food as a child.
    When I was a child, I loved....
  • Tell the others your opinion about your country and the people who live here.
    I believe my country is extremely....
  • Tell the others about someone who was important for you when you were a student at school or university.
    When I was a student, ......