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  • Você se preparou para a prova?
    Did you prepare yourself for the test?
  • Ela se culpa pelo acidente.
    She blames herself for the accident
  • Eu esqueci de me apresentar para ela.
    I forgot to introduce myself to her.
  • Ele estava em casa sozinho.
    He was at home by himself.
  • Elas fizeram o almoço sozinhas.
    They made lunch by themselves.
  • Ela se machucou quando caiu.
    She hurt herself when she fell.
  • Eles se ajudaram a fazer a tarefa.
    They help themselves to do the homework.
  • Nós nos divertimos na festa passada.
    We enjoy ourselves last party.
  • Ele se cortou enquanto cozinha o jantar.
    He cut himself while he was making dinner.