
BAD HABITS - talking about bad habits in english ...

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  • Tapping your feet
    He can't stop tapping his foot when he is anxious.
  • Tapping your fingers
    She taps her fingers when she's nervous.
  • Chewing on your pencil
    He chews on his pencil, while he listens to his teacher.
  • Being a chatterbox
    A chatterbox is a person that can't stop talking!
  • Smoking
    She is a chainsmoker. She smokes 6 packs a day.
  • Spitting
    The guy is spitting his milk.
  • Drooling
    Drooling is my favorite Arabic word.
  • Cracking your knuckles
    Cracking your knuckles will increase the size of your joints.
  • Littering
    You litter when you throw trash on the street.
  • Snoring
    He snores every night. His wife is always tired because she can't sleep well.
  • Chewing with your mouth open
    The man is chewing his food with his mouth open.
  • Gossip
    The ladies are gossiping. They are saying bad things about another lady.
  • Picking your nose
    The guy is picking his nose in public. So disgusting!
  • Daydreaming
    She is daydreaming about her vacation. To daydream is to dream while you are awake.
  • To slurp
    She makes such a loud noise when she drinks something. Yuck!
  • Fidgeting
    She never stops moving. She's always fidgeting.
  • Picking your nose and eating!!!
    This is the ultimate bad habit. So Grose!!!!
  • Grinding your teeth
    The man grinds his teeth when he is nervous.
  • Procrastinating
    He procrastinates all week and goes crazy on sunday.
  • Biting your nails
    She can't stop biting her nails.
  • Farting
    The baby has just farted! He's so cute!
  • Swearing
    Swearing is saying bad words.
  • Forgetting things
    He always forgets his mother's birthday.
  • Eating fast
    Mr. Bean eats chicken too fast.
  • To speak with your mouth full
    Homer Simpson is speaking with his mouth full of food.