
Luck idioms and expressions.

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  • Strike while the iron is hot
    To act immediately because now is the ideal time to do it. "The price of property has dropped. You should strike while the iron is hot."
  • The best of the British to you
    Wishing someone good luck even though you believe they may not be successful. “You’re going to ask for a raise? The best of British to you!”
  • To have the luck of the Irish
    Extremely good luck or fortune. "I can't believe I won the lottery and a radio contest in the same week -I must have the luck of the Irish!
  • Sitting pretty
    To be in a good or fortunate situation, especially compared to others who are not so lucky. "He sold his shares so he's now sitting pretty and enjoying life."
  • Lucky streak
    Lucky streak is a period of continual luck. "I don’t usually win when I play cards but I have won the last 5 games. I hope this lucky streak continues."
  • A happy go-lucky-person...
    Does not plan much and accepts what happens without becoming worried. "He's always been a happy-go-lucky guy."
  • The luck of the draw
    An outcome based on pure chance. "The luck of the draw had it that I had no choice but to buy a small car instead of my dream car."
  • As luck would have it.
    To say that something happened purely by chance. "We ran out of food at the party but as luck would have it, a nearby takeaway was open that day."
  • To thank one's lucky stars
    To feel grateful for avoiding a bad situation. "I thank my lucky stars that I bought an umbrella right before the thunderstorm."
  • Down on your luck
    To have a strike of bad luck, or it seems like things aren't going well. “James seems down on his luck these days. He lost his job and then his girlfriend.”
  • Push your luck
    To take a big risk hoping to achieve success. "I pushed my luck with that project and the tight deadlines. I'm glad it went well in the end."
  • While the going is good
    To do something before the situation changes and it is no longer possible. "There's a 50% discount. I think I'll subscribe while the going is good."
  • Third time lucky
    To express the hope that, after twice failing to accomplish something, one may succeed in the third attempt. "I made an appointment thinking third time lucky".
  • Strike gold
    To find exactly what you need; satisfaction, wealth, happiness... "I think she struck gold this time in her new job. It suits her perfectly."
  • Fat chance
    Little or no possibility of success. "John hates exercise—a fat chance he has of winning the swim competition!"
  • That ship has sailed
    A particular opportunity has passed by and now it's too late. "Sorry, that ship has sailed - you missed your chance!"
  • Born under a lucky star
    When someone seems to be very fortunate.“I can’t believe that Dave is being fast-tracked to the management position. He really was born under a lucky star!"
  • Third time's the charm
    After failing at something twice, you will succeed on the third try. “Yes, I’m so glad that worked. The third time really is the charm!"
  • You should be so lucky
    A sarcastic way of saying that whatever you are talking about is highly unlikely to happen. “I entered the competition to win a car. Ha! You should be lucky!"
  • To luck out
    To be fortunate. "I lucked out in my art history class by having a photographic memory and consistent study habits."
  • To hit the jackpot
    To achieve sudden or sensational success. "The hungry wolf thought he had hit the jackpot when he discovered a herd of sleeping sheep."