
Who was Steve Jobs ch 3-5

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  • What happened to Steve in 1986?
  • What happened to Steve in 1993?
  • Analyze: The first advertisement for the Macintosh said it. Was the computer “for the rest of us.” What does this advertisement mean?
  • Vocabulary - Context Clues: Define the underlined word using context clues and/or a dictionary. “He was so devoted to Apple. That he didn’t have time for anything else.” devoted - _________________
  • Who is Mona?
  • ]It took months for Woz to recuperate .” recuperate - __________________
  • Reread to Clarify: After learning Apple, why did Steve choose to name his company NeXT?
  • Reflect:”Despite his strange ways, Steve could convince people to do. Things that seemed impossible.” What did an Apple employee call this special power? a)reality distortion field b)reality distribution argument. c)reasonable friendliness
  • What happened to Steve at 25?
  • Why did NeXT have trouble selling their computers? a)Too many people were purchasing Apple computers. b)The computers whereto expensive. c)The computers were too bulky.
  • Where did Steve meet his wife Laurene Well?
  • What was the marketing slogan for the Macintosh, which was released in 1984?
  • Cause and Effect: Fill in the effect. Cause: Steve Jobs approached the Apple board asking to fire John Sculley. Effect:_______
  • Why did Steve leave Apple?
  • Analyze: What did Steven mean when he said, “It’s better to be a pirate than to join the navy”?
  • Reflect: How did Steve Job’s and John Sculley’s ideas about how to move forward with Apple differ? Cite evidence from text to support your answer.
  • What did Steve and Laurene name their first son and why?
  • What happened to Steve in 1978?
  • What happened in 1981?
  • Read for Details: In which year was the Macintosh introduced to the world? a)1974 b)1984 c)1994
  • Reflect: “Steve broke. All sorts rules.” List two rules Steve Jobs broke.
  • What happened to Steve while giving a lecture at Stanford in 1991?