
Cold War

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  • Who was the politician that made allegations that numerous communists were working within the US governmnet?
    Joseph McCarthy
  • Who was the leader of the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    Nikita Khrushchev
  • What is dividing line of North and South Korea
    38th Parallel
  • What was the US policy to stop the spread of communism?
  • Who was president during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    John F Kennedy
  • To get the USSR to remove its missiles from Cuba the US had to promise to remove its missiles in _____.
    Turkey (Italy)
  • Who did the US side with in the Korean War?
    South Korea
  • What does the building of atomic and nuclear bombs start?
    Arms Race
  • What is the name of the space mission that successfully landed on the moon in 1969?
    Apollo 11
  • What is the name of the congressional committee in charge of finding communists within the US?
    HUAC (House of UnAmerican Activities Committee)
  • What containment policy helped war-torn Europe recover?
    Marshall Plan
  • What is the failed invasion of Cuba called?
    Bay of Pigs
  • What is the extreme fear of communism called?
    Red Scare
  • Who was the dictator of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Cold War?
    Joseph Stalin
  • What does Sputnik start?
    Space Race
  • What did Kennedy issue in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    Blockade or Quarantine
  • What subjects does the US focus on more during to help us do better in the Space and Arms Races?
    Math and Science
  • What does the threat of a communist takeover in Turkey and Greece cause President Truman to issue?
    Truman Doctrine
  • What does the Soviet blockade of Berlin cause?
    Berlin Airlift
  • Who was president during the Korean War?
    Dwight Eisenhower
  • What is the belief that if one country fell to communism, it would cause others to fall to it as well called?
    Domino Theory
  • Group of countries that vowed to protect each other if a communist nation attacked
  • Who was the communist leader of Cuba?
    Fidel Castro