
What would you do if...?

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  • What would you do if you had the chance of asking for a wish?
    I would ask for ...
  • If you had children with someone who doesn't speak Spanish at all, would you raise your children in Spanish?
    I would ...
  • If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what food would you choose and why?
    I'd choose ...
  • If you could be any other person in the world, who would you want to be?
    I'd probably be ...
  • If you could change something about your past, what would you change?
    If you COULD change something about your past, what WOULD YOU CHANGE?
  • What would you do if your cousin said he/she is in love with you?
    I would ...
  • What would you do if a classmate asked you for the answer to a question during an exam while the teacher wasn't looking?
    I'd ...
  • If you had a special power, what would you be able to do?
    I'd be able to ...
  • If you could relive any moment in your life which moment which moment would you choose and why?
    I would choose ...
  • What would you do if you thought two of your friends would make a great couple?
    I would ...
  • Who would be your 'one call' from prison if you got arrested for a serious crime?
    I'd call ...
  • If you could hear what someone is thinking for a day, who would you choose?
    I'd choose ...
  • If you were an animal, what animalwould you be?
    I'd be ...
  • If you were given a chance to go to the moon, would you go? Why or why not?
    I would ...
  • What would you do if your mobile phone fell into the toilet before you had the chance to flush it?
    I would ...
  • If we could live for 300 years, what would life be like?
  • If you woke up in bed and saw a huge spider walking over you, what would you do?
    I would...
  • What would you do if you had the chance of living anywhere in the world?
    I would live in ...
  • What would you do if you were the President of your country?
    I'd ...
  • What would you do if you were at home at night alone and you heard a noise in your house that seemed to be footsteps?
    I would ...
  • What would you do if you were world famous?
    I would ...
  • If you received lottery tickets as a gift, and you won €20,000 would you share the winnings with the person that gave you the lottery tickets?
    I would ...
  • SITUATION: I have a problem with my partner. He/she is cheating on me. What would you do if you were me?
    If I were you, I would...
  • If you went back in time within your own life, what year would you go to?
    I'd go to the year ...
  • What would you eat most often if every type of food were healthy?
    I'd eat ...