
Think 1- Unit 10. Vocabulary (Things in town)

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  • a container for litter in a public place
    litter bin
  • We go to the ___________ every Friday night. I usually play table tennis and chat with my friends there.
    litter bin
    youth club
    graffiti wall
  • I ride my bike to school. There's a __________ from outside my house all the way there.
    cycle lane
    high street
    zebra crossing
  • A wall in public places with words or pictures drawn on
    graffiti wall
  • a part of a road marked by painted lines and intended for use by bicycles
    cycle lane
  • Don't try and cross the road here. There's a ____________just down there.
    graffiti wall
    high street
    cycle lane
    zebra crossing
  • a place where young people can go to meet and take part in activities
    youth club
  • I really like that __________ advertising the new Italian restaurant in town.
    high street
    cycle lane
    zebra crossing
  • the main street in a town or city, with a lot of businesses along it
    high street
  • a set of black and white lines across a road showing where vehicles must stop when people want to cross the road
    zebra crossing
  • We live in a flat above one of the shops in the ____________.
    high street
    zebra crossing
    youth club
    cycle lane
  • The new ___________ is really popular. Loads of people are painting on it.
    cycle lane
    youth club
    graffiti wall
  • Slow down. There's a ___________ just ahead.
    youth club
    speed camera
    litter bin
  • a machine by the road that takes a photograph of your car if you drive too fast, so that the police can use it to punish you
    speed camera
  • a large board for advertisements in an outside public place
  • Don't drop the paper on the floor. There's a __________ behind you.
    youth club
    zebra crossing
    litter bin