
Food Idioms

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  • What actions do you consider nuts?
  • What's a piece of cake for you?
    very easy
  • Can you provide an example of a book that sold like hot cakes?
    sell very well and quickly
  • Who do you consider the salt of the earth?
    someone of great kindness, reliability or honesty
  • Where can you be as warm as toast?
    pleasantly warm
  • Do you usually spend money like water?
    to spend too much money in a careless way
  • What country is as flat as a pancake?
    completely flat
  • Are you sometimes a butterfingers?
    a clumsy person who often drops or fails to catch something
  • Have you ever had a case of sour grapes?
    be envious, but try not to show it
  • Do you get on a bus/tram if it's packed like sardines?
    be overcrowded
  • What is your cup of tea? What is absolutely not?
    be of interest for someone
  • What amount of money is peanuts for you?
    a very small amount of money
  • When was the last time you were in a jam?
    to be in trouble
  • Can you stay as cool as a cucumber in dangerous or difficult situations?
    very calm
  • When was the last time you were shaking like a jelly/a leaf?
    = to shake from fear