
Idioms of communication and connection Advanced:

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  • What does "Off the top of my head" mean?
    You didn’t take time to think about it and it is the first thing you can think of about this topic.
  • Use an idiom in a sentence
  • "To be on the same wavelength" means...?
    To have similar thoughts or opinions as someone
  • What does it mean to "leave no stone unturned"?
    To do everything possible to find something or to solve a problem.
  • What does "To cut a long story short" mean?
    To give a brief version of events.
  • What does it mean to "jump on the bandwagon"?
    You are joining others in doing or liking something because it is popular
  • What is to find "common ground" with a person?
    You have found something you both think or feel the same about.
  • Having something "at your fingertips" means...?
    easily accessible
  • What does it mean if "you have a change of heart"?
    You don't feel the same about something anymore/your feelings have changed.
  • What does to "set your heart on something" mean?
    You desire something greatly