
Grade 7 Speaking Review

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  • What places would you recommend people to visit in Da Nang/Hoi An City?
    I would recommend Hoi An Ancient town. It is historic and peaceful.
  • What will you do if it rains all day on Saturday?
    I think I will play cards/board games/watch TV/do homework/read a book/listening to music.
  • Have you ever travelled on a plane? Where did you fly to?
    Yes, I have/No, I haven't. I travelled to Phu Quoc/Hanoi/DaLat/HCMC. It was a wonderful/fantastic/amazing/exciting experience
  • What is the weather like today?
    It's windy, rainy, hot - I like hot weather because I love to swim.
  • What water sports are popular among young people?
    In my opinion is SUP boarding.
  • What water sports are popular among young people?
    In my opinion its fishing.
  • Do you like travelling?
    Yes, I do/No, I don't, because I can try new food, meet new people and learn new cultures
  • Have you ever travelled on a plane? Where did you fly to?
    Yes, I have/No, I haven't. I travelled to Phu Quoc/Hanoi/DaLat/HCMC. It was a wonderful/fantastic/amazing/exciting experience
  • Do you have any museums in your home town? What can you see and do there?
    Yes, we do./No, we don't. We can see many historic items from the wars or discoveries.
  • What is the weather like today?
    It's windy, rainy, hot - I like hot weather because I love to swim.
  • Do you prefer rainy, snowy or icy weather? Why?
    I prefer snowy/icy weather because I can .........
  • What is the weather like today?
    It's windy, rainy, hot - I like hot weather because I love to swim.
  • Do you like travelling?
    Yes, I do/No, I don't, because I can try new food, meet new people and learn new cultures
  • Why do some people not enjoy water sports?
    In my opinion its because they are scared/ cannot swim/ don't like the sun or water.
  • What places would you recommend people to visit in Da Nang/Hoi An City?
    I would recommend Bana Hills. It has stunning views
  • What water sports are popular among young people?
    In my opinion its body boarding.
  • What water sports are popular among young people?
    In my opinion its surfing and swimming.
  • What festival take place in your local area?
    There are many festivals such as Tet/Mid-Autumn festival. Tet is my favourite because I love to get lucky money :)