
Passive Voice Sentences

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  • Alice grew some beautiful tulips in her yard.
    Some beautiful tulips were grown by Alice in her yard.
  • People did not know penicillin until Alexander Fleming's discovery.
    Penicillin was not (wasn't) known by people until Alexander Fleming's discovery.
  • The library did not open last week.
    The library was not (wasn't) opened last week.
  • France gave The Statue of Liberty to New York as a present.
    The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by France as a present.
  • Homer did not write "Hamlet". He wrote "the iliad and the Odyssey".
    Hamlet was not (wasn't) written by Homer. The iliad and the Oddyssey were writen by him.
  • Elvis Presley sang "The Jailhouse Rock" and "Love MeTender".
    The Jailhouse Rock and Love MeTender were sung by Elvis Presley.
  • Albert Einstein won the nobel prize in Physics in 1921.
    The nobel prize in Physics was won by Albert Einstein in 1921.
  • Who broke into the apartment building last night?
    Who was the apartment building broken into by?
  • Checo Perez drove the winning car.
    The winning car was driven by Checo Perez.
  • Pierre and Marie Curie discovered Radium and Polonium.
    Radium and Polonium were discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie.
  • Nero burnt Rome on July 18, C.E.
    Rome was burnt (burned) by Nero on July 18, C.E.
  • Women did not wear short dresses in 1890. They wore long dresses instead.
    Short dressed were not worn by women in 1890. Long dresses were worn by them instead.
  • The waitress served three cups of coffee.
    Three cups of coffee were served by the waitress.
  • The dentist pulled out my tooth.
    My tooth was pulled out by the dentist.
  • Velázquez painted "Las Meninas" but he did not paint "the starry night".
    Las Meninas were painted by Velázquez but starry night wasn't painted by him.
  • The careless criminals left a lot of fingerprints.
    A lot of fingerprints were left by the careless criminals.
  • Great Britain made many Rolls Royce cars.
    Many Rolls Royce cars were made in Great Britain.