
master 1 words in action 1

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  • I really wanted to go to Barões da Pisadinha concert, but I can´t! (AS)
    As much as I would like to go to Barões da Pisadinha concert, I can´t
  • I rarely change my car´s tires (replace 'rarely')
    seldom / hardly ever ...
  • Remove the adverb: In a couple of days, my orchad will begin to bear fruit
    My orchard will begin to bear fruit
  • Invite one of your classmates to do something with you
    Did you use  questions tags or expressions from  pg 14
  • I can understand why he did that! -> What he did was _________.
  • Why do we use adverbs?
    To describe the state of a person/thing
    To attribute a quality to someone/something
    To give more information about an action
  • How often do you make up an excuse for not doing your homework? (use AS or EVERY to answer)
    I make as an excuse for not doing my homework ...
  • After ________ TV, I´m going to do the dishes. // a)finishing / b)watch / c)watching / d)see
  • He talks to me like I´m his subordinate! (AS)
    He talks to me as if I were his subordinate // as if I´m
  • How often do you pretend to be sick to skip school? (use AS ou EVERY to answer)
  • I don´t have money to buy a car now, but when I do, It´s going to be the first thing I´ll buy. (AS)
    I´m going to buy a car as soon as I can
  • All I know is that Casey loves you a lot. (AS) -> ?
    As far as I know, Casey loves you a lot
  • I like to watch movies often (every)
    I like to watch movies every now and then
  • I like to do my homework listening to music. // where is the adverbial phrase?
    listening to music
  • I go to school by bike every time I can (AS)
    I go to school by bike as often as I can
  • Since you were a kid, your mother always did the shopping in your house (AS)
    as far as I can remember, my mother ... / For as long as I can remeber, ...
  • I need to be able to read your text: I need your text to be _________.
  • Remove the adverb: I need to go home
    I need to go
  • Remove the adverb: These boxes can stay where they are
    These boxes can stay