
Common facts (that are actually common myths)

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  • Napoleon Bonaparte was extremely short.
    However, Bonaparte was most likely average height at just over 5'5" (165cm) tall, History says.
  • You'll get cramps if you go swimming right after you eat.
    The body requires extra blood in order to digest, but not nearly enough to prevent the muscles in your arms and legs from working as they should.
  • Albert Einstein failed math class.
    Einstein himself claimed that he was at the top of his class in primary school. "Before I was 15, I had mastered differential and integral calculus".
  • We only use 10 percent of our brains.
    Humans "use virtually every part of the brain" and most of the brain is "active almost all the time."
  • Shaving your hair makes it grow back thicker.
    Shaving your hair doesn't make it change in color or thickness. All it does is give the hair a blunt tip, which might feel more coarse as it grows out.
  • Dogs only see in black and white.
    Veterinarian Barbara Royal explained that dogs "don't see all of the colors that we see, but they can actually distinguish between colors."
  • In the days of Christopher Columbus, everyone thought the world was flat.
    In the middle of the third century B.C., Aristotle declared that the Earth was spherical. When Colombus sailed in 1492, he knew Earth was a sphere.
  • Goldfish only have a three-second memory.
    Several studies throughout the years—some research even indicates goldfish could have a memory span of up to five months long.
  • You need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
    The amount of water you need daily depends on several different factors, like your overall health, your activity levels, and where you live.
  • It's safe to eat food that's been on the floor for five seconds or less.
    Bacteria will contaminate your food as soon as it is in contact with any surface.
  • Bats are blind.
    Bats can see three times better than humans.
  • Bulls get angry when they see the color red.
    Bulls (like other cattle) are red-green colorblind. They actually triggered by the movement of the cape.
  • The sun is yellow.
    In reality, "the sun is essentially all colors mixed together, which appear to our eyes as white."
  • Your hair and fingernails continue to grow after you die.
    The skin around a person nails and hair retracts over time due to dehydration of the body, not because their hair and nails are actually growing.
  • Chameleons change colors to blend in with their surroundings.
    Chameleons change colors to regulate their temperatures or communicate with other chameleons, not to camouflage themselves.
  • The Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure visible from space.
    NASA images prove you can see "highways, airports, bridges, dams, and components of the Kennedy Space Center."