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  • This is another name for our short-term memory.
    Working Memory
  • Memories that we retain without conscious effort and often without our awareness.
    Implicit Memories
  • Our Explicit Memories can be divided into what two categories?
    Episodic and Semantic
  • The process of holding information in your head.
  • To help remember details of the crime, a victim is taken back to the location. Is this to trigger context or state dependent cues?
    Context (location) but you could argue both for traumatic crimes
  • The process of intentionally storing information into your LTM
  • Facts are these kinds of memories
    Semantic Memories
  • very brief sensory memory of some visual stimuli that occur in the form of mental pictures
    Iconic Memory
  • Our auditory sensory memory.
    Echoic Memory
  • Our memories of specific life events.
    Episodic Memories
  • Getting the information you have stored back out of your head so you can use it.
  • Memories of skills and how to perform them.
    Procedural Memory
  • Mechanoreceptors in our skin relay what type of information to the brain?
    Haptic or Touch
  • After a bump to the head, Michael is unable to remember some things that happened before the bump. his is likely suffereing from what?
    Retrograde amnesia
  • Memory that allows us to recall past knowledge and consciously bring it to mind.
    Explicit Memory
  • Is the duration of STM longer or shorter duration than sensory memory?
    STM minutes or less, Sensory only a few seconds
  • The process of encoding that requires attention and conscious effort.
    Effortful Processing
  • Our ability to process multiple stimuli of repeated or learned activities without our being aware of it.
    Automatic Processing