
Would you or Wouldn't you?

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  • If you suddenly became a millionaire,would you still study English?
  • If you saw a celebrity in the street, would you ask for her/his autograph?
  • If you found $1000 in the street, would you keep it?
  • If you found your sister's or brother's personal diary, would you read it?
  • If you saw someone stealing a car in the street, would you call the police?
  • If you went out a dinner with a famous film star, would you offer to pay for the meal?
  • If you won the lottery, would you stop studying immediately?
  • If you were a member of the opposite sex, would your life be easier?
  • If you could travel in time, would you choose to see the past of the future?
  • If you had to study a school subject again, would you choose history, geography or math?
  • If you didn't like your best friend's/partner's favourite outfit, would you tell him/her?
  • If you saw another student cheating in a test, would you tell the teacher?
  • If you had to look after a neighbor's pet for a month, would you prefer to look after a dog or a cat?