
Vocabulary Inferences

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  • The ride up the mountain made Brenda feel QUEASY. She couldn't even think about having lunch after all of those sharp turns! What does QUEASY mean?
  • Monkeys do tricks and AMUSE people. Monkeys climb very fast. They blow horns. They dance and make funny noises. People laugh when they watch monkeys. What does the word AMUSE mean in the story?
    Make people laugh
  • Breanna was relieved to find out that Erica would be her partner in the research project. Erica is RELIABLE; she always does what she says she will do and works hard. What does RELIABLE mean?
  • I like hot soup on cold days. I put my nose near the bowl. I sniff the AROMA. I love that smell. I wish the soup was already in my mouth! What is the meaning of the word AROMA?
    good smell
  • There are many people in the city who sell things. Some merchants sell food. Some sell clothes. I like the MERCHANTS who sell toys the best. What does the word MERCHANTS mean?
    People who sell things
  • Kyle was the SOLE person in the movie theater. Nobody else had arrived. Kyle could sit in any seat. What does SOLE mean?
    only one
  • Sometimes people hurt animals. I think people should be TENDER and kind to animals. Most animals are nice. They do not hurt anyone. What is the meaning of TENDER?
  • The police officer held her hand out. The cars HALTED. The children crossed the street. Then the police officer waved her hand. All the cars started to move again. What does the word HALTED mean?
  • Jessica and Ruth saw the sky turn dark. Large raindrops began to fall. They ran. They looked very funny when they walked into the house. They were DRENCHED! What does the word DRENCHED mean?
    very wet
  • Sheep have wooly, white hair. Their hair grows during the winter. The wool is SHEARED in the spring. Then the sheep have short hair for the summer. What does the word SHEARED mean?
  • Looking out the window of the bus, Devon imagined the VAST fields of corn reading every edge of the state. he had never seen so much corn! What does the word VAST mean?
    covering lots of space
  • At the circus, the clowns were so tall! They were walking on STILTS. They looked so funny so high up in the air. I thought they would all fall. What does the word STILTS mean?
    Tall sticks