
There is / there are Family and friends 1 unit 1 ...

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  •  10  books
    There are 10 books in the classroom
  • a board in the classroom
    There is a board in the classroom
  • 5 posters on the wall
    There are 5 posters on the wall
  • a ruler on your desk?
    There is a ruler on your desk 
  • a dog on the sofa
    there is a dog on the sofa
  • a cat
    There is a cat under the table
  • a TV on the wall
    There is a TV on the wall
  • 2 clocks on the wall
    There are 2 clocks on the wall
  • a pen on teacher's desk
    There is a pen on teacher's desk
  • 2 teachers in the classroom 
    There are 2 teachers in the classroom
  • 2 cupboards in the classroom
    There are 2 cupboards in the classroom
  • 5 children in the classroom
    There are 5 children in the classroom
  • a bookcase in the classroom
    There is a bookcase in the classroom