
Adaptations of predators and prey

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  • Give 2 examples of animals which have horns to DEFEND them against predators.
    E.g: rhinos, antelope, buffaloes
  • What adaptations do the wild hunting dogs in the photograph have?
    hunt in a pack / sharp teeth / strong jaws / strong legs
  • Which adaptation do tortoises and turtles have to DEFEND themselves against predators?
    hard shells for protection
  • Which adaptation allows the prey to see predators on both sides of them?
    seeing sideways/ eyes at the sides of their heads
  • Give 2 examples of animals which stay in groups for safety.
    E.g: fish, zebras, antelopes and wildebeest
  • Which adaptation does a porcupine have to DEFEND itself against predators?
  • How is the snake adapted to ATTACK its prey?
    It has venom
  • Name 2 adaptations an eagle has to ATTACK its prey
    sharp talons, sharp beak, good eyesight
  • What do bees and wasps use to ATTACK their predators?
  • Give 3 examples of animals which have eyes at the sides of their heads.
    E.g: lizards, antelopes and fish
  • What adaptation is this?