
4 Inflectional or Derivational?

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  • What is the area of the semicircle?
    "semi" is a DERIVATIONAL affix meaning 'half', it changes the meaning of the word (picture a circle and a semicircle - different!)
  • Don't let your muscles atrophy.
    "-trophy" is a DERIVATIONAL affix meaning "a-" meaning 'without' and root "trophy" meaning
  • We danced all night.
    "-ed" is an INFLECTIONAL affix, making the sentence past-tense.
  • I think it's annoying when someone interjects when I'm talking.
    "inter" is a DERIVATIONAL affix meaning 'between'. It changes the meaning of the root 'ject' which means "to throw"
  • That was the hardest test ever!
    "-est" is an INFLECTIONAL affix making the root superlative
  • That suitcase was cumbersome.
    "-some" is a DERIVATIONAL affix meaning 'characterized'. cumber='hinder'