
How the ears work

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  • What can you find in the middle ear?
    The ear drum
  • Why is ear wax important?
    It protects the ear from things getting inside, trapping dirt and other dangerous things.
  • How many parts to the ear are there?
  • What part of the ear is the cochlea?
    The inner ear
  • How does the ear drum work?
    It takes in sounds, making it vibrate. Those vibrations make the other parts of the ear (ossicles) vibrate too.
  • What is this called? Hint: The outer ear funnels noise into this part of the ear.
    The ear canal
  • Can you name one of the parts of the ear?
    Inner ear, middle ear, outer ear
  • What is the cochlea?
    It is filled with liquid. The vibrations from the ossicles create waves in that liquid. Those waves move the hairs, which send signals to the brain.
  • What's the gunk all over the floor in the middle ear?
    Ear wax
  • Why is Nurb drumming?
    In honor of their quest to see how the body hears
  • Why does Nurb tell Chloe to be quiet?
    The ear drum is very sensitive.
  • Which part of the ear is this?
    The outer ear, (pinna or auricle)