
Kids 2 Lesson 10

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  • It's by the lamp.
    Where's the ____?
  • No, there isn't a spider on the sofa.
    Is there a spider on the sofa?
  • No, there isn't.
    Is there a _____ (on/in/under/by) the ____?
  • They're in the kitchen.
    Where are the _____ ?
  • No, there aren't.
    Are there _____ (on/in/under/by) the _____?
  • Yes, there are three books on the table.
    Are there three books on the table?
  • It's in the living room.
    Where's the ____?
  • It's under the bed.
    Where's the ____?
  • It's in the garage.
    Where's the ___?
  • It's in the bedroom.
    Where's the ____?