
Volume of Spheres, Cones, and Cylinders

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  • What is the volume of this cone?
    150.7 cm cubed
  • What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?
  • What is the volume?
    267.9 mm cubed
  • What is the volume?
    1436 cm cubed
  • How do you find the radius if you're given the diameter?
    divide by two (half)
  • What is pi's value?
  • What is the formula for the volume of a cylinder?
  • What is the formula for the volume of a cone?
  • What is the volume?
    1538.6 cubic cm
  • You have a sphere that has a radius of 11 inches. What is the volume of the sphere?
    5575 in. cubed
  • What is the volume?
    314 in. cubed