
First Conditional Questions

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  • What will you do if your friend invites you to the cinema tonight?
  • If artificial intelligence continues to improve, will it be the end of the human race?
  • If you have problems sleeping tonight, what will you do?
  • What will you do if your purse or wallet is stolen?
  • What will you do if you get a headache?
  • What will you do if you run out of money?
  • If your best friend doesn't want to come to your party, what will you do?
  • What will you do if you don't feel satisfied?
  • If you learn to speak English perfectly, how will it change your life?
  • What will you do if you miss your favourite TV show tonight?
  • If you see a homeless man on your way home today, will you give him money?
  • What will you do if somebody asks you to quit your hobby?
  • What will you do if you catch a cold next week?
  • If you find 100 euros or dollars in the street this evening, what will you do?
  • If you are invited to a party this weekend, will you go?
  • What will you do if it rains at the weekend?
  • If you get a triple pocket money this month, what will you spend it on?