
Root words

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  • Make up a sentence using the word "inspire"
    You inspire me. I'm inspired by the artwork. He's speech is inspiring.
  • 말이 안되를 영어로? 단어 sense 를 사용해 만들어 보세요.
    It doesn't make any sense. It's nonsense!
  • What are other ways to say, "You've exceeded my expectation." 나의 기대를 훨씬 넘었어. 다른말로
    You did better than I expected.
  • Name things that make good sensory play.
    rice, foam, water, beads, sand, noodles, playdough
  • Make up a sentence using: sense, style
    I don't have a sense of style, can you help me pick out an outfit?
  • Can you think of some words that start with POST? Make a sentence with that word.
    post-covid, postscript, postmodern, postpartum
  • We need to be _________ to the needs of others, and show _________ towards them.
    sensitive, empathy
  • I need to _______ my emotions before I can make a decision.
  • Make a sentence using: sense, humor
    He has a great sense of humor.
  • Make up a sentence using: I want to convert ... (예. 방, 돈, 계량, 옷..)
    I want to convert the spare room into a home office. my Korean Won to USD.
  • My grandfather ________ before I was born.
  • "아티스트는 자신의 작품을 만드는 과정에 대해 이야기했습니다."를 영어로.
    The artist talked about the process of making her work.