
Can it...?

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  • Can dolphins fly?
    Yes, they can.
  • Can penguins fly?
    No, they can't.
  • Can the giraffe climb?
    No, it can't.
  • Can the ostrich fly?
    No, it can't.
  • Can camels drink a lot of water?
    No, they can't.
  • Can snakes run?
    No, they can't.
  • Can the horse climb?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can the fly communicate?
    No, it can't.
  • Can whales swim?
    Yes, they can.
  • Can cats climb?
    Yes, they can.
  • Can the crocodile bite?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can you dance?
    Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
  • Can dogs hear?
    Yes, they can.
  • Can the cow eat grass?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can the sloth climb?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can the raven move?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can the spider bite?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can eagles run?
    No, they can't.
  • Can the beetle grow a lot?
    No, it can't.
  • Can people see?
    Yes, we can.
  • Can the gorilla play the drums?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can the lion kill?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can the frog swim?
    Yes, it can.
  • Can mice move fast?
    Yes, they can.