
Buffalo before Breakfast

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  • Ask your partner a question.
    Did they get it right?
  • What do they see when they look out of the window of the treehouse?
    Grassland and a blue sky. Maybe a tree. A sunrise.
  • Ask your partner a question!
    It that correct?
  • What was some of the information Jack read about the Lakota people?
    They admire.... They show good manners by... They show friend with ...
  • What is the name of the boy?
    Black Hawk
  • How did Black Hawk start the stampede?
    He crept up to a buffalo and sneezed
  • What is the name of the dog?
    His is called Teddy ( That's the name Annie called him!) We don't know his real name!
  • What do they need to find on this adventure?
    A gift from the prairie blue.
  • Who stopped the Buffalo Stampede?
    The Spirit of the White Buffalo Women.
  • Your partner will ask a question!
    Well? Is it correct?
  • How do they use the Buffalo?
  • Why did some people call this area " A ocean of grass?"
    Because there was so much grass that looked like waves of an ocean.