
Historical artifacts

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  • Where is this artifact from?
    Egypt, 3,300 years ago, King Tut’s Funerary Mask discovered in Egypt's New Kingdom
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Central America, 3,400 years ago, Olmec Colossal Heads 
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Sweden, 1621 horse blanket ordered by Swedish royal family
  • Where is this artifact from?
     India, 17th century elephant armour made up of 5,840 plates and weighs an insane 118kg.
  • Where is this artifact from?
    China, 770-476 B.C. Qin Sword with gold openwork handle
  • Where is this artifact from?
    China, 2,200 years ago, Terracotta Army figures
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Israel, 2,000 years ago, Dead Sea Scrolls 
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Rome, 4th century golden goblet that changes color when held up to the light.
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Italy, 16th century Parade shield 
  • Where is this artifact from?
    England, 18th century gold make up kit
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Mexico, 16th century Aztec Stone of the Sun 
  • Where is this artifact from?
    France, 16th century  Lion Armour’s helmet
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Greece, 16th century Gold Silver on Bronze “Lion Hunt” burial dagger. 
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Egyptian ring from the tomb of King Tutankhamen
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Egypt, 2,200 years ago, Rosetta Stone found in ancient Egyptian city of Rosetta
  • Where is this artifact from?
    Austria, armoured dress late 16th century