
7th The Decline of Feudalism

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  • foundations
    the basis from which an idea or situation develops
  • Bubonic Plague
    disease brought to Europe from the Mongols during the Middle Ages. It killed 1/3 of the population and helps end Feudalism. Rats, fleas.
  • Feudalism
    A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, an...
  • estimate
    a guess as to the value or size of something
  • momentum
    a force gathered over time
  • Joan of Arc
    peasant girl who led french army to victory over the english in the 100 year's war
  • heretic
    a person who holds beliefs that are contrary to a set of religious teachings
  • Democratic
    ruled by the people. In a democracy, citizens elect representatives to make and carry out laws.
  • Model Parliament
    a governing body created by King Edward I of England that included some commoners, Church officials, and nobles
  • Henry II's legal reforms
    - royal judges traveled around the kingdom to settle disputes and punish crimes- use of jury trials was introduced- a system of uniform punishments wa...
  • Battle of Crecy (1346)
    Battle in which the English longbow was first used and which showed its superiority against French heavy cavalry is made clear
  • King Edward I
    English king who changed parliament to include representatives of the "common people."
  • monarch
    king or queen
  • Constitutions of Clarendon
    An attempt by Henry II to gain control of the Church and give more power to himself
  • Traditional
    a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time
  • Hundred Years War
    War between France and Britain, lasted 116 years, mostly a time of peace, but it was punctuated by times of brutal violence (1337 to 1453)
  • King John
    Signed the Magna Carta
  • Magna Carta
    the royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 1215
  • Habeas Corpus
    the legal concept that an accused person cannot be jailed indefinitely without being charged with a crime