
3 Find the Affixes!

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  • malfunction
    mal - prefix meaning "bad" -- maladjusted, malevolent, malaise
  • submarine
    sub - prefix meaning "under" -- submerge, subterranean, subway (did you catch the root MARINE?)
  • antihero
    anti - prefix meaning "against" -- anticlimactic, antiseptic, antifreeze
  • poetic
    ic - suffix meaning "relating to" -- historic, public, comic
  • fearful
    ful - suffix meaning "full of" -- careful, joyful, thoughtful
  • sensible
    ible - can also be ABLE - suffix meaning "can be", "is" -- affordable, likable, flammable
  • actor
    or - suffix meaning "one who" -- doctor, victor, donor
  • interrupt
    inter -- prefix meaning "between", "among" -- interstate, internet, interconnected
  • kingdom
    dom - suffix meaning "state", "quality of" -- freedom, wisdom, boredom
  • society
    ity - suffix meaning "state of" -- activity, mentality, intensity (did you catch the root SOC - "partner" "ally"?)
  • autograph
    auto - prefix meaning "self" -- autonomy, automobile, automatic (did you catch the root GRAPH?)
  • particle
    cle - suffix meaning "small" - cubicle, cuticle, article
  • prologue
    pro - prefix meaning "before", "forward" -- prophet, prognosis, product (did you catch the root LOGUE?)