
Academic Descriptive Words

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  • Define 'inferior.'
    "Person lower than another in rank, status, or ability."
  • What is a synonym of 'bad'?
    Awful, abominable, atrocious, dreadful, inadequate, inferior, deficient
  • What is a synonym of 'say'?
    Express, articulate, indicate, convey, imply, manifest
  • What is a synonym of 'sad'?
    Blue, inconsolable, down, dismal.
  • What is a synonym of 'walk'?
    Stroll, stride, prowl, amble, march, patrol, roam, tread
  • Create a sentence with the word 'down.'
  • True or false. The meaning of ecstatic is: "Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement."
  • Create a sentence with the word 'impressive.'
  • Define 'extraordinary.'
    "Very unusual or remarkable."
  • True or false.'Content' and 'impressive' are synonyms.
  • True or false. 'Dismal' and 'blue' are synonyms.
  • True or false. The meaning of ecstatic is: "to talk in a leisurely way."
  • Define 'euphoric.'
    "Characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness."
  • Create a sentence with the word 'atrocious.'
  • True or false. 'Deficient' and 'awful' are synonyms.
  • True or false. The meaning of 'dismal' is: "causing a mood of happiness or excitement."
  • Define 'stride.'
    "Walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction."
  • Define 'inconsolable.'
    "(Of a person or their grief) not able to be comforted or alleviated."
  • Define 'impressive.'
    Evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill; grand, imposing, or awesome.
  • True or false. The meaning of 'articulate' is: "Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently."
  • What is a synonym of 'awesome'?
    Amazing, magnificent, extraordinary, impressive, astonishing
  • What is a synonym of 'happy'?
    Cheerful, joyful, euphoric, ecstatic, content, elated.
  • True or false. 'Stroll' and 'convey' are synonyms.
  • Create a sentence with the word 'march.'
  • Create a sentence with the word 'indicate.'