
IR 4.1 Week 3/4 VC: Year of the Rat/Kitoto the M ...

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  • Because she did not study for the test, she was filled with _____. She did not think she would pass.
    doubt (n)
  • Every pokemon was scared to challenge the ____ Pikachu in a battle.
    mighty (adj)
  • The student ____(ed) her head to the side because she was confused.
    cock (v)
  • The new apartment down the block is ______ and I wish to live there.
    sumptuous (adj)
  • Although _____(es/s) study and speak about the life, truth, and knowledge of humans, they can be very boring to listen to.
    philosopher (n)
  • One of my favourite books is "Captain Underpants" and if I ever meet the ______ who draws the pictures, I'm gonna shake his hand.
    illustrator (n)
  • The baker ____(ed) as how many cupcakes the person ate.
    marvel (v)
  • Unlike real airplanes in the sky, paper airplanes cannot ____ through the sky.
    whizz (v)
  • The rabbit was scared, so it jumped into its ____.
    burrow (n)
  • The water ____(ed/d) out of the tap very slowly.
    trickle (v)
  • Because her mom and her fought, there was _____ silence at the dinner table.
    strained (adj)
  • The soccer player ____(ed/d/ied) on the coach to teach her how to play soccer.
    rely (v)
  • Because the teacher was angry, the students _____ sat in their seats.
    cautiously (adv)
  • If you get called ____, it usually means you drop things easily and trip over flat surfaces.
    clumsy (adj)
  • Every night, the girl loved to stare at the ____ moon while thinking about what she would eat tomorrow.
    distant (adj)
  • Because she loves shoes, she has a _____ of them in her closet.
    hoard (n)
  • My New Year's _____ was to stop eating cake everyday.
    resolution (n)
  • The door became ____ to use ever since the boy kicked it hard when he was angry.
    awkward (adj)
  • After the teacher caught the student cheating, the classroom felt awkward and ______.
    strained (adj)
  • The child made a _____ to make her bed everyday.
    resolution (n)
  • The boy _____(ed/d) his love for the girl so everyone could hear.
    proclaim (v)
  • The palaces of Korea are mighty and ______.
    majestic (adj)
  • I was _____ so I spilt water all over the floor.
    clumsy (adj)
  • When I get older I want to be an ____ because I love to draw pictures.
    illustrator (n)
  • The two siblings made a _____ to stop fighting with each other.
    resolution (n)