
Mardi Gras & Carnaval

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  • What is the name of the popular Mardi Gras song that includes the lyrics "Iko Iko"?
    Junior Iko
  • What is the date of Mardi Gras/Carnaval?
    The date of Mardi Gras/Carnaval changes each year, but it typically falls between early February and early March.
  • What is the name of the traditional Mardi Gras cake that has a small baby figurine hidden inside?
    queen cake
    king cake
  • In what country is Carnaval most commonly celebrated?
    The USA
  • What is the name of the large, colorful objects rolling down the street that are often seen in Mardi Gras parades?
  • In Brazil, what is the name of the dance often performed during Carnaval?
  • In Brazil, what is the name of the large parades that take place during Carnaval?
    Samba Jazz and Dance
    Samba Schools Parade
  • What is the name of the traditional Mardi Gras song that includes the lyrics "Do whatcha wanna"?
    "Do Whatcha Wanna" by Grass Roots Band
    "Do Whatcha Wanna" by Rebirth Brass Band
  • What is the French name for Fat Tuesday, the day before the start of the Lenten season?
    Mardi Gras
  • What is the name of the traditional Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Alabama?
    Order of Myths
    Mythical Nights
  • What is the name of the traditional dance performed during Mardi Gras in New Orleans, often accompanied by jazz music?
    Line dancing
    Second Line dance
  • In some cultures, it is traditional to wear a mask during Mardi Gras/Carnaval. What is the purpose of the mask?
    To hide one's identity and allow people to celebrate anonymously.
  • What is the name of the street in New Orleans where the largest Mardi Gras parades take place?
    St. Charles Avenue
    St. James Place
  • What is a common food traditionally eaten on Mardi Gras/Carnaval?
    king cake
  • In some cultures, it is traditional to wear costumes during Mardi Gras/Carnaval. What is the purpose of the costumes?
    To celebrate the festival and to dress up as various characters or themes.
  • What are the traditional colors of Mardi Gras (green, purple, and gold) said to represent?
    Green represents faith, purple represents justice, and gold represents power.