
Work Experience Problem Solving

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  • You really enjoyed your work experience and want to work there when you finish college
    Speak to the work place manager about any job vacancies. Look at similar jobs at other companies
  • Someone at work experience keeps being rude and mean to you
    Speak to the manager at work experience. Speak to your HLTA or Angela at college
  • You aren't enjoying your work experience
    Speak to your HLTA. Try and remain positive if you only have a few days left
  • Your bus is running late and you're going to be 15minutes late to work experience
    Call your supervisor or colleague. Apologise when you get there
  • You forgot to bring a pen to work experience
    Ask someone if you can borrow one. Keep a spare pen in your bag
  • You're not sure what to wear to work experience
    Ask your HLTA for advice. Ask the work experience manager. Think about what kind of work you will be doing
  • The manager has given you the address but you don't know where it is.
    Use citymapper or google maps to check the route before you go. See if you can practice the route
  • You're not sure if you need to bring lunch to work experience
    Ask your work experience manager or bring some snacks just incase
  • Your work experience manager complains you are completing work slowly
    Explain that sometimes you need extra time to complete a task. Speak to your HLTA about it
  • Your work experience manager hasn't responded to your email
    Email them again. Call them and ask
  • You've been told to make 30 copies of a letter but you don't know how to
    Ask someone to show you. Ask for clear instructions and write them down
  • It's the night before work experience and you're scared you'll forget something
    Write a list and check your bag in the morning. Pack your bag the night before and leave it close to your door
  • You need to book a taxi home but aren't sure what time you'll finish work experience
    Wait in a nearby cafe for your taxi. Ask your manager if you can call a taxi 20minutes before the end of work
  • You feel sick at work experience what do you do?
    Drink some water. Speak to your supervisor and ask to go home. Call someone to pick you up
  • The manager wants you to do 5 tasks today but you're worried you won't remember them all
    Ask them to write them down. Write them down and tick each task you finish. Write them down and ask the manager to check your list before they go
  • A customer asks if you have a first aid kit and you know there's one behind the desk. What do you do next?
    Ask if the customer needs a first aider. Speak to another member of staff and get the first aid kit